Centim Studio's Work

Since 2020, we have been crafting fascinating stories that elevate brands beyond expectations.

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Case James Delivery

Expansão nacional da marca

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Case Nice Milk

"Nosso programa de influenciadores nos trouxe o maior ROI (retorno com relação ao investimento) que tivemos na história da nice" Paola co-fundadora Nice Milk

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Case Forever 21

Case da Forever 21

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Precision Marketing. A Remarkable 90% Target Audience Reach.

Through a curated showcase of our projects, each standing as a testament to our ability to achieve an extraordinary 90% target audience reach.

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Conversion Mastery. Projects with a Staggering 40% Upswing in Sales.

Our agency has harnessed the power of digital marketing marking a paradigm shift in the landscape of conversion optimization.


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